
    Terms of Office for the first people

    in the new structure - this is what Council decided



  • Terms of office for the first group of people

    on the Board of Trustees and Council in the new structure


    The majority view expressed by Council was Option 1 - straight to three years.

    Everyone starts with the new three-year term in the new Laws - but "time already served" counts towards term limits.


    The Working Group also proposed to Council to remove the requirement for a year's break if someone has served six years (or seven, if there has been an extension) on Council before they can take on another role.

    The year's break requirement would only kick in if someone wanted to do more than six (or seven) years in the same role.





  • Table setting out how this would work

    The print is very small (sorry), so you can also download the spreadsheet here

    Please let Lucy know if you think there is a mistake. (feedback form at the bottom of this page)

    broken image
  • Examples

    Polite reminder:

    Council or the Board of Trustees can always extend someone's term by a year, if they think this would benefit the College

    A person can always stand for Vice-President or President, however long they have already served

    Person A is elected as a Regional Rep this summer, with no previous time in this role. So they would get three years before they need to stand again, and then they could stand for another three years.


    Person B has been a Regional Rep for one year and is elected again this summer. So they would have two years before they need to stand again. And then they can stand again for another three years.


    Person C has been a Regional Rep for two years and is elected again this summer. This would mean that next year, they'd reach the end of a three year term, and would need to stand again for another term of three years if they wanted to carry on.


    Person D has been a Regional Rep for three years and is elected again this summer. They can do a full three years. But then that's it.


    Person E has been a Regional Rep for four years and is elected again this summer. They could do two years, and then that would be it - that would be their six years in this role, unless they had a year's extension. But they could stand for other Council roles.


    Person E has been a Regional Rep for five years and is elected again this summer. They could do one year, and then that would be it - that would be their six years in this role, unless they had a year's extension. But they could stand for other Council roles.


    The same principle would apply to Trustee roles. Here are a couple of examples (please remember that the President is different)


    A Vice-President has served in this role for four years, and is re-elected this summer. So they would get two years before they need to stand again. After that, they would have reached their maximum term as a VP, but could stand for a three-year President term.


    A Dean has served in this role for three years, and is re-appointed this summer. They would get the full three years - and then that would be it for this role, unless they had a year's extension. But they could stand for other Council roles.


  • Feedback - is there a mistake in the table?? Or do you have comments?

    You don't have to comment at all - but if you do, please click on "Send to the Working Group" at the end

  • Thank you!